Abbeygate Home Quote

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Details of Proposer & Owner


By completing the below you are agreeing for us to contact you to discuss your insurance needs.

  We would also like to keep in touch with you about our products and services. If you would like to receive marketing information about other insurance products from us please tick this box giving your consent. We hope that you find them useful however if you wish to withdraw your consent at any point please let us know and we will remove you from our marketing database

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Details of Property to be Insured

 As Above

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Sums Insured

Please enter Sums Assured required (in Euros):

Do you want include accidental damage cover (Buildings) ?
Do you want include accidental damage cover (Contents) ?

All Risks Cover (Optional)

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Use of property

Permanent Home
Yes   No   
Used for any business, trade or professional purpose
Yes   No   
Rented out or sub-let
Yes   No   
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Are all EXTERNAL DOORS fitted with a five lever mortice dead lock (preferably BS 3621 Standard or local equivalent)?
Yes   No   
Are all ACCESSIBLE WINDOWS fitted with either: Key operated window locks?, Wooden shutter with interior locks?, Metal grilles embedded into the wall?
Yes   No   
Is there other security at the premises?
Yes   No   
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Online Quotation Acceptance Criteria

In order to be eligible for an online insurance quotation,
you need to able to answer "Yes" to the Acceptance Criteria listed below.

If one or more of these statements is not applicable, please contact us on 0034 951 27 74 55

About The Property
The property is in a good state of repair.
The property to be insured is a permanent (not mobile) residence.
The Building sum insured does not exceed 950,000
The property is located in either Spain, Portugal, Cyprus or Greece
There is no trade, profession or business being carried out in the property.
The property to be insured is in a neighbourhood free from a history of storm or flood.

You and none of the proposers are occupied in the occupations or businesses detailed below:

Casino or Club Owners; Amusement Caterers; Scrap Metal Dealers or Merchants; Pop Musicians; Professional & Semi-Professional Sportsmen/Sportswomen; Fairground Showmen; Circus Employees; Actors & Actresses; Models; Itinerant Workers or Traders; Caravan Dwellers/Travelers; Foreign Diplomats, Embassy Personnel or Members of Foreign Armed Forces

Personal History
You and any person who intends to insure and/or stay in the property has not been convicted of arson or any other offence involving dishonesty, for example, Fraud, Theft or Handling stolen goods and also if any person has been refused insurance in the past or had special terms imposed by a previous Insurer

If your details fall outside the above criteria, please contact us on 0034 951 27 74 55
as we may still be able to offer favourable terms


I confirm that my details fulfill all of the above criteria

Commence cover from :

Spanish Office

CTRA Nacional 340.
KM 148.5 S/N 29680
Estepona Malaga

Abbeygate Insurance is a trading name of Abbeygate España Corredores De Seguros Sociedad Limitada

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